
Long weekend programme

 This 3-day programme is a fast way to jumpstart your dog’s training and create a new foundation of behaviours as your dog is open to learning because I’m a new person and he’s in a new environment. Dogs rehearse behaviours with people. You and your dog share a history and a way of interacting and being with each other.  Since I’m new to your dog and don’t have past experiences and expectations of him, I can I break this pattern of behaviour. It’s like starting with a blank new slate.

 Obedience training includes:

·       Sit

·       Down

·       Stay

·       Go to Bed

·       Look

·       Recall training  

·       Heeling properly on leash (some intense leash reactivity needs a longer programme)

·       Building confidence with your dog so you get a better-off well-mannered dog

 My policy

-You must drop off and pick up your dog.

-You must provide food/treats and chew sticks to prevent digestive stress.

-Full payment is due to secure your dog’s reservation.

*This programme is not for dogs that are aggressive or have high levels of fear or anxiety as this takes longer to work with.